Monday, July 21, 2014

To Netroots and Beyond

I traveled to Detroit for Netroots Nation. This was my fourth one and it was very engaging and inspiring. During this conference, I realized a few things about myself and what I should do to make some type change in the world.

Right now, I am trying to figure out next steps in my life. I could get more involved in LGBT issues, or actually take lead of an organization. Blogging has been a great outlet for my creative voice, perhaps I should do more in that area as well.

In all, I need to do something.

So, I asked to be on the LGBT Connect committee. I think it's time for me to give back to the attendees and to Netroots. I mean, I've been going for free for the last four years, it is the least I can do. Also, I want to create a panel that address the issues that beset gay Black men. There's a panel for Black women and it's always engaging. Why not do the same for Black gay men, right? I believe it could be very informative to the audience and possibly therapeutic for the panelists.

Also, I need to write more. I finally have the time and I need to hone this crazy craft of mine. So, I will start publishing more articles on Bilerico Project and Mused. I got to get my work out there, got to do something to make a difference.

Funny... These last 5 days have snapped me back to work per se. I just have to stick to it.

Hold me accountable, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. You'll be great at it. Congrats on the new direction you're taking.
