Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Murray State University (My Alma Mater) Gender Neutral Restrooms

My alma mater is doing big things!

Murray State University has turned three single-person restrooms into gender neutral restrooms and they are available to anyone... Anyone.

Here's more
The Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender program coordinator at the school, Jody Cofer Randall, says these restrooms are important to a segment of the university population.

Randall told the Murray Ledger & Times that it's "an indisputable fact" that transgender and gender non-conforming students attend Murray State.

Last September, the Student Government Association passed a resolution for LGBT equality that called for gender neutral bathrooms and other policychanges.

The university updated its policy regarding preferred first-name choices and promotion of diversity and tuition waivers for spouses and partners of university employees shortly after the resolution passed.

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