Monday, July 14, 2014

Chris Christie thinks the GOP shouldn't Give Up Fighting against Gay Marriage

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is still trying to appeal to the GOP masses. Over the weekend, he said that the GOP should not give up on same-sex marriage. reports:
Speaking to reporters at the National Governors Association, Christie said it is not time for Republicans to drop the issue, which is entrenched in the party’s platform but contributes to the party’s difficulty with younger voters. “I don’t think that there’s going to be some major referee who’s going to say now it’s time to stop,” he said, referencing his own opposition to the unions. “Certainly I’m not going to, because these are opinions that I feel strongly about.” 
“The country will resolve this over a period of time,” he added, saying it is important for people to respect those who disagree with them on the issue. “But do I think it’s resolved now? No.”
Hmm, so I guess he's preparing for a 2016 presidential run with that statement. Perhaps he should think about the bridge scandal first.


  1. He needs to find a BIG chair and take a seat.

  2. I hope he chokes on a donut.

  3. STFU, h8er! equality is coming and YOU (nor any of your fellow h8ers) can stop it!
