Thursday, July 17, 2014

Another Article suggest that White Gay Men are "natural allies" to Black Women

The Dear White Gays story continues with another response to the article.

This time it's from Steve Friess, who wants White Gay men and Black women to be allies.

He states:
Last week, that alliance came under attack by misguided University of Mississippi senior Sierra Mannie, who believed she was defending black women from cultural theft by launching an assault on white gays who, to her mind, behave too black. She zinged, “You are not a black woman, and you do not get to claim either blackness or womanhood. It is not yours. It is not for you.”

Others have already burned the piece down to its homo-ignorant nub, noting that Mannie writes cluelessly and obscenely about the nature and challenges of being gay. Her fire is fueled by some undeniably racist interactions, a supposed epidemic of white gay men who actually wish to be called by stereotypically black names and anoint themselves “strong black women.” It’s difficult to dispute that such behavior is weird and offensive, but it’s illogical to suggest all gay white men are “thieves” on that anecdotal basis alone.
While I appreciate his attempt on the matter, he could've kept this.

She wasn't claiming that all White men were thieves nor was she trying create a rift. Steve tries diss her work, however he wasn't too great in his response either. And real talk, why would we believe White gay men will be great allies for Black women, when they are not the best allies for Black gay men?


  1. Why can't we all be allies for each other, regardless of ethnicity, gender, or orientation?

    I'd like to see that.

  2. Both are right. Both are wrong. When we do this those who would like to see us suffer and turn on each get what they hope to accomplish and then we all lose.
