Monday, June 16, 2014

Totally Awesome! X-MEN: APOCALYPSE takes Place in 1983

Okay 80s babies, I just learned that the next X-Men film takes place in 1983.

In The Q&A with Jeff Goldsmith podcast, Simon Kinberg said that the film will pick up in 1983. You can hear it for yourself, by clicking the link above.  Just jump about an 1 hour and 12 minutes.

1983... Hmmm. Interesting year for the X-Men. The brood, Storm's mohawk, Wolverine's love problems, the non-return of Phoenix, Rogue joined... A lot happened in 1983.


  1. Members Only jackets were still around back then, too.

  2. I wonder if they'll use the 80s as a way to put Dazzler on the team? And I wonder if they will recast for a younger Storm, Cyclops, and Jean... And because the villain is Apocalypse, will ArchAngel be a horseman? Also, I wonder if Havok will be a horseman... that way we can see Havok & Cyclops fight, reveal their immunity to one anothers' powers, and discover they are long lost brothers?
