Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Interesting Quote: Jonah Hill

"From the day I was born, and publicly, I've been a gay rights activist. Now, this person, you saw a 40-second video. This person had been following me around — just to give it some context, not excusing what I said in any way — this person had been following me around all day, had been saying hurtful things about my family, really hurtful things about me personally, and I played into exactly what he wanted and lost my cool. And in that moment, I said a disgusting word that does not at all reflect how I feel about any group of people. I grew up with gay family members — I'm leaving here to go spend the day with one of my closest co-workers and best friend who is gay, who's getting married, who I'm going to stand at his wedding.I'm not at all defending my choice of words, but I am happy to be the poster boy for thinking about what you say and how those words, even if you don't intend them and how they mean, they are rooted in hate, and that's bulls--t and I shouldn't have said that.

"Look, I think I'm pretty good at being in movies, I am not good at being a famous person. I think there are some people who are meant for it. If you call me ugly, if you call family members of mine drug addicts and maniacs, I am eventually going to lose my cool. Now what I said in that moment was disgusting and a hurtful term. I should have either said nothing or just 'f--k you.' Instead, I used a word that I don't use in my personal life. It's not part of my vernacular. I'm happy to take the heat for using this disgusting word. What I won't allow is for anyone — it would break my heart for anyone to think, especially with all the work that I've done and all the loved ones I have — that I would be against anyone for their sexuality."

1 comment:

R.J. said...

I have to admit, that's probably the best apology I've read in a long time. I forgive him.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.