Monday, May 12, 2014

Uganda's Anti-Gay law causes an Increase in attacks on the LGBT community

A new report from the Sexual Minorities Uganda tells us that attacks against the gay and lesbian community has dangerously increased.

There has been acts of blackmail, fights, firings, attempted lynchings, mob violence, evictions and suicides. The reports also show that 25 people were have fled Uganda, seeking asylum in Kenya and Rwanda.

Here's more:

"The passing of AHA has given permission to a culture of extreme and violent homophobia whereby both state and non-state actors are free to persecute Uganda's LGBTI people with impunity," the report stated.

The survey recorded 162 incidents since the legislation was passed by parliament. By comparison, Sexual Minorities Uganda recorded only eight incidents in the rest of 2013 and 19 in the whole of 2012.

"[This] represents an increase of between 750% and 1,900% on previous years," the report noted, "an increase which can only be explained by the passage of the AHA and the virulently homophobic atmosphere this has engendered."

In four cases, men accused of being gay were reported to have been kidnapped and tortured. There were 29 incidents where the media "outed" individuals who were later subjected to further persecution.

Our people in Uganda are really going through it, y'all.


1 comment:

  1. Scott Lively would be proud.

    I wish I were being sarcastic, but didn't he play a role in passing that? If we're lucky, he'll burn in Hell when it's his time to go.
