Friday, May 16, 2014

Sylvia Thompson: Michael Sam is the latest Black Pawn of the Homosexual Movement

Lord... I saw this on Joe.My.God and I had to share this with y'all.

This Black conservative writer, Sylvia Thompson is a blogger for RenewAmerica. The blog is full of foolishness, but what do you expect? It's for Tea Baggers.

Anywho, this woman claims that Michael Sam is a Black pawn of the evil homosexual agenda. Funny, considering she's a Black pawn of the Mad Right Wing freaks. Here is a piece of her mess:

I was irritatingly reminded, once again, of just how degenerate our nation has become. I read recently that a football player for the Miami Dolphins, Don Jones, was fined and castigated for voicing his revulsion at the sight of a fellow teammate, Michael Sam, in a lustful display of homosexual eroticism. Which, by the way, has nothing to do with "love." Michael Sam is the latest black pawn of the homosexual movement.

As a black person, I can relate to a factor that I think has bearing, at least in part, on Mr. Jones' revulsion. Not only was this erotic display sinfully sick, but it also involved another black male athlete. I recall the earlier "coming out" of a basketball player who was also black. The predominantly white Left was as ecstatic then as it is now (so was Barack Obama). It seems obvious to me, and maybe to Mr. Jones as well, that the Left's championing of non-male black men is part of its ongoing plan to destroy black America, in this case, by emasculating its men.

The Left's behavior these days is reminiscent of that of civil officials in the American South under the Jim Crow legal system. Black men were distinct targets of their racism during that time of intense racial strife in our country's history. Lynching and castration of black males seemed a clear indication of fear of black masculinity. Now that the legal system no longer tolerates lynching and castration, black men are emasculated psychologically. No, the Left does not make men homosexual, but its liberal adherents foist the behavior upon society, and are therefore complicit in furthering the deviancy.

The sinister promotion of homosexual black males and subsequent persecution of all who fight this travesty is a continuation of that hatefulness spawned in the days of Jim Crow. It bears noting that in conjunction with the emasculating of black males is the mass destruction of black children in the womb, as orchestrated by the white-dominated Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion entities. This, in addition to the liberal Left's systematic destruction of the black family, reveals a pattern that all but the thoroughly duped should be able to see.
Sylvia... I need for you to have several seats in an abandoned building. There is no plot or a sinister plan, this is real life. Perhaps it's time for you and your minions wake the f**k up and see the writing on the wall. Jim Crow ain't got nothing to do with this. Michael Sam is gay and that's it.

Oh, and I noticed Sylvia's use of "lustful" and "eroticism" in her post. Maybe she should stop wring this crap and start writing gay fan fiction.


  1. Girl needs to have a long sit-down.

  2. Watch the f*ckity f*ck is this mess??

    Here is the reason why so many black gay men and women do NOT stay within their community.

    This is dreadful.
