Friday, May 23, 2014


Well, I just saw X-Men: Days of Future Past and I have to say, IT'S AWESOME!

It was a great story that came together with a multi-cast of folks. I was worried about this film, but it came through. I really enjoyed it.

I can tell you more, but I will do it in my vague, bullet-point review style.

  • The future is bleak as f**k!
  • The future scenes were sad, but great. The way the captured the rawness of the future was breathtaking
  • Storm was utilized in a way I greatly appreciated
  • The Future Sentinels were deadly and awesome to watch
  • Blink stole a few scenes
  • Not everyone survived X-Men: First Class
  • Hugh Jackman has a great butt! It's so nice to marvel at
  • Even Peters is so adorable in person (Live Q & A)
  • As Quicksilver, he was perfect. I had my doubts, but he was a scene stealer (Time in a Bottle)
  • The young Xavier and Eric plane scene was sublime
  • Mystique's character was interesting to watch. Her growth from First Class to this film was solid
  • In some ways, X3 never existed
  • The mix of the past and future scenes were right on
  • Goes by very fast for a 2hr and 14 minute film
  • When Wolverine wakes up... Priceless
  • Surprises
  • Someone is on the rise (after credit scene)
In all, solid film! I will see it again!


  1. These kinds of films aren't the kind I usually see, unless I catch them on VOD, but the thought of Hugh Jackman's butt has me tempted to wait in line.

  2. I have never seen an X-Men film before, but I might have to rent the previous one so I can get up to speed thanks to you.
