Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Matt Barber’s Website Writer creates a new Gay Religion

Matt Barber’s website BarbWire writer, Lee Duigon is losing his marbles over his hate for us. In his latest piece, he created a new religion called “Gaydeology.”
Nevertheless, this very new notion that all sexual behavior is permitted, and that homosexuality and transgenderism (or whatever you want to call it) are especially worthy of esteem–this perverse and evil code has swept the Western world and carried off its ruling class, its pseudointelligentsia, its culture-shapers, and all those people willing to be shaped by culture.

This has happened with terrifying speed. The world has seen nothing like it since the rise of Islam–and we all know what a great blessing that turned out to be.

Will we be stuck with this for the next 1,500 years? Or will it wither up and blow away as suddenly as it descended on us? God grant the latter.

In the meantime, what I have come to call “Gaydeology” has all the earmarks of a new false religion, as fierce and intolerant as Islam; and we have not yet seen the worst of it.

These folks...


1 comment:

  1. I'm confused ... are we Nazis or Islamic terrorists this week?
