Sunday, April 27, 2014

LA Clippers Owner Donald Sterling's Racist Rant Drama

I'm sure y'all heard about Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling.

This idiot told his girlfriend (who's Black and Mexican) that he doesn't want her to bring Black folks to his games or post pictures with Black folks on social media.

This mess ran wild on social media yesterday. Then NBA greats and celebs spoke out against him. If you haven't heard the rant.

Whoomp, here it is

Donald has a history of racist acts. This man is rotten and sad! Please hold this racist fool accountable for this mess.

I hope this ruins his team.


  1. I've hated Donald Sterling ever since he bought the San Diego Clippers over thirty years ago. It was always his intention to move the team to Los Angeles, and when his racist ass was exposed years later it gave me even more reason to hate him.

    I don't think the NBA can strip him of his franchise, but it's possible it could induce him to sell it through other means.

  2. Listening to the tape is revealing. Sterling wants/expects his MIXED girlfriend to "erase" her actual racial identity. He wants her to relinquish her half-black/half Mexican identity and become "white". And this was probably not the first time he said things like this to her. Apparently she got fed up.

    I wonder will she get to stay in/keep the million dollar condo she lives in?
