Friday, March 28, 2014

What I learned from my students

This generation of young gays are doing soooo much!

I was talking with one of my students and he told me a handful of stuff. He just ended an open relationship with another guy. Sleeping around is cool among friends and apparently, hook-up parties are the norm.

He asked about my views on sex partners and hook-ups. I told him in my day, you kept the number of your sex partners less than five and everyone didn't deserve a shot.

My student laughed and said, "That's sweet and harsh."

I asked why did he think that?

He said: "Because instead of getting laid, you were getting bitter early."

Bitter? Wow.


  1. It sounds like your student is stereotyping any gay man that doesn't have an open relationship or sleep with his friends or go to hook-up parties as bitter.

    Maybe they're just not that into it?

    Maybe there are gay men who want monogamy, want one partner, don't want a life of hook-ups?

    He needs to learn that just because he and his friends are into that sort of thing, doesn't mean all gay men are, should be, or want to be.

    To me his stereotype is just as bad as any we get from the conservative religious right.

  2. That is interesting. In my younger days I played the field, had three or four guys I'd play with from time to time.

    I think at that time I realized life was far too short and that I might as well have a little enjoyment and fun.

    Only to figure out later that my family makeup means genetically speaking I'm good to about a hundred years. Ut si!
