Monday, March 3, 2014

Something, I'm learning...

When you fight diligently to stay in your comfort zone, you have already lost.

This is something I'm holding close to me as I prepare to find a new job and hopefully a new career. It's so easy to stay in my job, but I can't. I can't when I'm not as passionate about it as I once was.

I can't when there is no growth or excitement left. I have move on and move forward. I can no longer stay safe, I have to take this chance if I really want to live this life.


  1. I completely understand. I'm battling this at work as I speak. I want a different position within the company, but this new position may not be available at all once I get more details on it.

  2. I've done this a couple of times. First, when I left retail for gov't contracting; then, when I left gov't contracting to work for myself. It's been a long row to hoe, but I'm finally seeing some success. You will too!
