Monday, March 24, 2014

Interesting Quote: Vice President Joe Biden

"My grandkids, my children, and their kids are going to be shocked, it shocks the conscious that this very moment in American history, in some states, an employer can fire you just because of who you are, or who you love. It’s close to barbaric. I mean think about this, a man, no I really mean this. Imagine, imagine, 20 years from now, as America look back and say how in the hell could that have ever been allowed? The country’s moved on. The American people have moved on, it’s time for the Congress to move on, and pass ENDA. Pass ENDA now. Not tomorrow, now!"



  1. You gotta hand it to Joe, he speaks his mind.

  2. And President Obama will echo in 3, 2, 1...

    I love how Biden is sort of the trial balloon for the administration. Of course I also know the Vice President is also far more liberal than the President. It's just that people don't pay as much attention to the Veep as they do the Commander in Chief.
