Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Meet the New Fantastic Four Cast

These are very interesting choices for the Fantastic Four cast, but it is what it is.

Variety reports that Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell, and Michael B. Jordan are set in the roles.

Kate Mara is set to play Sue Storm/The Invisible Woman
Jamie Bell Bell as (possibly) Ben Grimm/The Thing
Miles Teller has been offered to play Reid Richards/Mr. Fantastic
Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm/Human Torch

Again, interesting choices. Let's see how the public takes the news


  1. at the risk of being labelled a bigot - johnny storm is not a black man.

    It'd be like having Wonder Woman portrayed by Julie Chen pre surgery.

    Surely we can do better by having characters of race portrayed accurately?
    There are plenty of non-white characters in both marvel and dc mythology. Lets get them out there.

  2. I don't mind what race the storms are but they need to be the same race. They are brother and sister after all.

  3. I am offend at the choice of the twink... I mean Thing.
