Saturday, January 4, 2014

With No Proof, CBS Reporter Itay Hod claims HE KNOWS GOP Rep. Aaron Schock is Gay

This CBS reporter Itay Hod is causing some drama for your mama.

He claims that he knows Congressman Aaron Schock is gay. He knows.

In a FB post, Itay writes:

people always say, no one has the right to out anyone. that coming out is a private matter. i disagree. as you can imagine, not a very popular opinion. but bear with me.

here's a hypothetical: what if you know a certain GOP congressman, let's just say from Illinois, is gay... and you know this because one of your friends, a journalist for a reputable network, told you in no uncertain terms that he caught that GOP congressman and his male roommate in the shower... together. now they could have been good friends just trying to conserve water. but there's more. what if this congressman has also been caught by tmz cameras trolling gay bars. now what if you know that this very same guy, the darling of the gop, has also voted against repeal of don’t ask don’t tell, opposed the repeal of doma, is against gay marriage; and for the federal marriage amendment, which would add language to the us constitution banning gay marriage and would likely strike down every gay rights law and ordinance in the country?

Are we still not allowed to out him?

let me ask another question... doesn't the media have an OBLIGATION to expose his hypocrisy? if he had done something so hypocritical and he wasn't gay, wouldn't we demand journalists do their job? but they can't... because we won't let them. you're not allowed to out ANYONE, we tell them.

we've created a situation where even though news organizations know this guy is gay, they can't report it because he hasn't said so on twitter.

if we keep saying that being gay is genetic; ergo, it's no different than having blue eyes or blonde hair... than why are not allowed to mention it? why do we need anyone's consent to talk about their sexuality? are we not allowed to say someone has blue eyes until they post a fb message telling us they are in fact blue?

we've been so effective at convincing everyone that outing people is a crime against humanity, that we've made it impossible for any network or news organization to talk about this "hypothetical" gay republican congressman and his hypocritical vote against gay rights. they won't touch it for fear of retribution from GLAAD or HRC. (in fact when my friend's network interviewed said hypothetical republican, he talked about wanting to find a nice woman to marry... and the network aired it... knowing it was a lie...

so, forgive me if I don't subscribe to the notion that you're not allowed to out anyone... in fact in some cases, i'd celebrate it. but I'm crazy that way. Herndon Graddick

by the way... not sure why... but had a sudden urge to share this.

Okay, okay. But just like Whitney Houston said to Diana Sawyer, "I want to see the receipts."

Where is the proof and why is Itay lollygagging with the supposed proof?

When you read his post; really read this post, you see nothing but gossip. Itay heard from someone about something that supposed to happened? Child, that's how nosy folks spread rumors.

And why would the media protect Aaron? He isn't super special and there isn't much they could lose on this info. I guess I want to know why would anyone protect him if they have the proof? The roommate, colleagues, or whomever, why haven't they come forward?

Also, why are some of us so excited about this? Why are so on board with this rumor? Yes, Aaron has an Anti-gay voting record and he's not a team player, but to be sold on rumor is beneath us.

Let me say this, when I come for people, I COME for people. If I had proof, I would blasting it all on Twitter, blogs, and FB. I wouldn't be talking all this smack about 'He said, She said', no. I would bring it from the gate, at least to prove I'm not spreading rumors. So far, that's what Itay is doing and some of us are falling right into this foolishness.

We should be careful about this kind of mess, because in some ways, it sends a negative message about our community. I'm not siding with Aaron, I just think this type of stuff is tacky and messy. And to be real, this some teenage/jealous/bullcrap talk with no proof. What Itay is doing, petty and childish, and I don't have time for children's games.


  1. I din't like Schock because of his anti-gay views, and if he's gay i like him even less, but this article is all innuendo and rumor and supposition,

    Hod should put up or shut up.

  2. He looks Bi-racial.

  3. It's all innuendo, but that's all that's needed to take someone down in the political arena. Look at Bob Filner. He was forced to resign before he ever went to trial to prove his innocence or guilt. The same "standard" should apply to conservatives.

    I say go ahead and out him based on his voting record.

  4. Has there ever been one instance when some was long rumored to be gay and it turned out the rumors were false?

    Does a FB post count as an article?

    Have we not learned our lesson from Kevin Mehlman?

  5. SEAN, there are lots of rumours about the sexuality of:

    Tom Cruise

    John Travolta

    Hugh Jackman

    George Clooney

    Charlie Crist

    Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL)

    Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

    Rumors are not enough, I think. Do we really think that everyone that there are rumors about is actually gay? Some Republicans think BARACK OBAMA is gay.

    I do think Shock is gay. I think the point of Hod's story, is that journalists exist to establish facts. It is NOT really that hard to establish whether Shock is gay or not. But because of the "ethics" against outing, it is not considered a reasonable thing to focus journalistic enrgy on. I disagree with those ethics and think that journalists SHOULD try and find out whether it is true, using the same principles they use to establish other facts. That is NOT what Itay Hod did, and he should be called out that.
