Wednesday, January 29, 2014

NOM's List of Athletes who should've received Special Recognition at the State of the Union

NOM wasn't excited about Jason Collins sitting in the Box Seats, so they created a list of athletes that should've been there.

Albert Pujols, the Dominican-born MLB pitcher and a devout Christian, is the founder and chairman of the Pujols Family Foundation, a charity benefiting people with Down syndrome and whose mission statement is "to live and share our commitment to faith, family and others."

Larry Fitzgerald, an NFL wide receiver, founded The First Down Fund which has built an impressive resume of charitable giving and special projects, including providing summer youth programming for urban youth in America and helping to fund research for childhood illnesses.

Eli Manning, (who hardly needs an introduction as to his professional talents), is less known for his having raised $2.5 mil. for the University of Mississippi's Medical Center's Children's Hospital and many other charitable contributions.

Clayton KershawClayton Kershaw, a Cy Young Award winner and three-time All Star in the National League has been inducted into the Baseball Humanitarians Hall of Fame, donates significant portions of his paychecks to causes in Africa and helped build a successful orphanage in Zambia.

Steve Smith, the NFL wide receiver, is the NFL ambassador to a charity called Samaritan's Feet, which gives shoes to homeless people, and he has personally participated in the charity's practice of washing their aid recipients' feet, a beautiful ritual imbued with Biblical meaning.

Jeremy Affeldt, the San Francisco Giant's pitcher, has worked for years preventing sex trafficking of young women around the world with an initiative called the NotForSale campaign.

Tim Tebow, the NFL player most known for his public manifestations of his Christian faith, practices what he preaches, having built a $3 mil. hospital in the Philippines, in addition to host in regular charity events and participating in Make-a-Wish programs.

Child, please


1 comment:

  1. It was Obama's speech and he can have anyone there he wants.
    If NOM wants to honor these athletes then let them do it.
