Friday, January 24, 2014

NOM and Brian Brown calls for the impeachment of Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring over Gay Marriage

Brian Brown is foolishness. But we all knew that, right?

Following yesterday's announcement from VA Attorney General Mark Herring about Gay Marriage, Brian wrote this mess:

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today called for the impeachment of Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring for "malfeasance" and "neglect of duty" and violating his sworn oath of office to support the constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Instead of defending the Commonwealth's duly enacted marriage amendment, Herring is supporting a federal lawsuit by gay activists to redefine marriage in Virginia's constitution.

"The Attorney General swore an oath that he would 'support...the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia' and faithfully discharge his duties, which include defending duly enacted laws like the state's marriage amendment," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "Yet now Attorney General Herring is participating in a lawsuit against the very people he is sworn to represent, the citizens of Virginia who preserved marriage in their constitution. This malfeasance and neglect of duty is not only a disgrace, it's an impeachable offense under the constitution."

Section 17 of the Virginia state constitution provides that the Attorney General may be impeached for "malfeasance in office, corruption, neglect of duty or other high crime or misdemeanor."

You can read the rest here, but seriously, Brian... What can y'all do? NOM is half way broke and your power is waning. The best thing you can do, is to have a seat.

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