Monday, January 20, 2014

My Bullet Point review of HBO's Looking

So, I watched the first episode of Looking.

It was okay, but it didn't excite me. I wasn't captivating or interesting. The characters were meh and it looked so dirty in SF. But, enough talk here. I'll go into my bullet point review after the jump.

  • The first was an awkward sex scene in the woods. Seriously, are we still doing this in 2014?
  • Within the first 5 minutes, we had 2 sex scenes, drug use, and drinking... Gay cliches for everybody!
  • I think they said 'looking' like 6 times.
  • Patrick (the lead) was a little annoying and whinny. 
  • So the Looking theme was beset by Ok Cupid and bus rides.
  • At least they were not the rich, White gays. However, it is very White.
  • There was a sassy Asian sidekick who made an Asian joke.
  • The first episode was about a bad date, a 3-way, a guy needing to get laid, and a possible hook-up at the end... SF Gay experience.
  • SF looks dirty and smoky in this episode.
  • While it's a new show, it used the same ole themes. Not a good look.
  • I didn't care for anyone in this episode.
  • The older guy seemed to be somewhat interesting, but it seems he wasted his life.
  • I felt like I was watching an Urban Outfitters ad.
  • Was this filmed by Instagram Rise filter?
  • To sum it up, it was boring and predictable.
Hopefully, it gets better... Get it? 


  1. I completely agree with all of your bullets. I sat there watching and matching up Looking characters with Queer as Folk characters. I felt like this had all been done before and I felt, considering it was on HBO - hello - Game of Thrones penis scenes, that Looking REALLY skipped the skin scenes in a gay show.

    Your bullet I most agreed with was "I didn't care for anyone in this episode". I really didn't either. If they want people to watch you need a 2x normal episode premiere time that hooks you. Remember QAF had a long first episode with the birth of a child that REALLY made us love or hate all the characters?

    So far, for me, this won't be appointment viewing but I'll set the DVR.

    On the diversity side this show is REALLY lacking. San Francisco is HUGHLY diverse and this show just didn't seem to reflect that.

    Thanks for your recap!

  2. "Of course we're doing this in 2014! Awkward crass sex scenes drove 'Queer As Folk', didn't it?!"


    Didn't see this show (don't have HBO), but the description (besides being hilarious) sounds like "Queer As Folk 2014," down to the criticism of a lack of diversity (QAF-Pittsburgh didn't seem very ethnically diverse either).
