Saturday, January 18, 2014

Madonna uses the hashtag “#disnigga” to describe her son, Rocco


Madonna uses this hashtag yesterday on Instragram

Later today, she apologized
"I am sorry if I offended anyone with my use of the N word on Instagram. It was not meant as a racial slur. I am not a racist. There's no way to defend the use of the word. It was all about intention," she said. "It was used as a term of endearment toward my son who is white. I appreciate that it's a provocative word and I apologize if it gave people the wrong impression."
via Buzzfeed


  1. Right on Madonna, I remember unlike most of America during the Trayvon Martin trial how Nigga is used by all as endearing. I feel she done nothing wrong but took the power out of the so called N-Word. You go girl!

  2. My two cents (well, more like a quarter):
