Monday, January 27, 2014

Interesting Quote: Bristol Palin on Wendy Davis

Is everyone paying attention? This woman is the hero of the Left? A woman whose ambition and ego were so big she couldn’t have both a career and kids at the same time.

Gosh, children are sooo inconvenient, huh? I’m glad my mother didn’t put motherhood on the shelf when she was elected to City Council, then became our mayor, then Governor. Oh sorry – I mentioned my mother… Have you liberals gone into a tail spin of hate already? Did I lose you?

I know you would rather think about Wendy Davis, so let’s get back to her. She’s more your type of woman. She left her kid, husband, made it into a false “made-for-tv-movie-type-tale” and then demanded that Texans have the right to kill babies. That’s the woman you libs can really get behind!

Let me be clear. I think it’d be so nice to have a husband take care of me, and my son, so I could attend school. (Any school — let alone, Harvard!)

But the way Wendy Davis did it – by getting married and leaving him as soon as the ink dried on his last check – is downright pathetic.

Plus, it perfectly shows that – no matter what they say – feminism is a farce. If you truly believe in strong, independent women, you’d be a conservative.

Um, Bristol... You got knocked up by Levi Johnston. Have a seat.



  1. Hey, mate she trapped him.

  2. Out of the mouths of idiots ....

  3. This part "Let me be clear. I think it’d be so nice to have a husband take care of me, and my son, so I could attend school. (Any school — let alone, Harvard!)"

    Is hilarious! Yeah peaches, it'd be nice to have a husband and all but now that you've squirted out a crotch fruit you're pretty much damaged goods.

  4. Her first sentence says it all. No, Ms. Palin, no one is paying attention to you, despite what you may think or what your mother may be telling you.

  5. It would be nice to make nearly a half million dollars on a crappy reality TV show and be the spawn of America's Grifter. You wouldn't need a husband then.
