Friday, January 31, 2014

George Zimmerman, A Celebrity Boxer?

I Can't!

Murderer George Zimmerman has agreed to be in a celebrity boxing match for charity. No, this isn't a lie or something AmericaBlog created... This story is real!

Celebrity boxing promoter Damon Feldman got George involved with this mess. George will fight anyone, including Black people.

This is beyond ridic. Who... Why? Really? And what charity will sponsor him? This man isn't a hero, he's a murderer... A fraking murderer and now, he gets the celebrity treatment?  



  1. So .... are murderers celebrities now?

  2. Maybe Tonya Harding can whoop his ass. I bet she can still fling a hubcap pretty hard.

  3. A celebrity? Really? I just can't with this mess.
