Sunday, January 19, 2014

Chris Christie's Office whines about MSNBC's coverage of BridgeGate

Chris Christie blames MSNBC for the constant reporting on his bully ways. Since he's being held accountable for his mess, of course he has to blame someone.

This press release comes from his office
"MSNBC is a partisan network that has been openly hostile to Governor Christie and almost gleeful in their efforts attacking him, even taking the unprecedented step of producing and airing a nearly three-minute attack ad against him this week. Governor Christie and his entire administration have been helping Hoboken get the help they need after Sandy, with the city already having been approved for nearly $70 million dollars in federal aid and is targeted to get even more when the Obama Administration approves the next rounds of funding. The Governor and Mayor Zimmer have had a productive relationship, with Mayor Zimmer even recently saying she’s ‘very glad’ he’s been our Governor. It’s very clear partisan politics are at play here as Democratic mayors with a political axe to grind come out of the woodwork and try to get their faces on television."
Please... Thanks to MSNBC, we've learned more about Christie's style. He can complain all he wants, because there's nothing he can do but whine and blame others.



  1. Whine and blame others. True Republican values at work.

  2. MSNBC? Is he talking about the network that airs "Morning Joe," a 3-hour Chris Christie ad, every morning?

  3. Here ya go:
