Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A New Evangelical Group believes Gays are made in God's Image

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez Jr
For the image of God exists in all human beings: black and white; rich and poor;straight and gay; conservative and liberal; victim and perpetrator; citizen and undocumented; believer and unbeliever.
Nice, who said that? The Imago Dei Campaign did. But what is this campaign? Well, here's the fun part... It's a movement of prominent evangelical groups. Their mission is to end the culture war they have created.

Yeah, that's their plan. The leader of this movement, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez Jr., wants the conversations to change. He doesn't want these groups to be known for what they oppose, but for they believe. Their goal is to start new discussions and more importantly, bring in the younger generation.

Interesting, but you know, they will need to walk the walk in order for us to take them seriously. If you are curious, go to their site and check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the Bible says we were created in God's image--if you believe that sort of thing--so it's only natural that means The Gays, too.
    Still this is nice to see, if they, as you said, walk the walk.
