Thursday, January 9, 2014

10 Reasons why the Aaron Schock 'Outing' was an Epic Fail

The Aaron Schock story basically failed to hold ground.

The minute Itay Hoc start his Beauty Shop gossip talk, folks began to question the validity and the credibility of the source. Within a few days, the story fizzled, leaving some activists and bloggers pissed and rest of us shaking our heads on why folks tried to make this 'Fetch' happen.

But just how did this story fail to shake Schock and the public? I'll give you my reasons.

  1. Itay had no proof. You can't break a story with no story.
  2. Staying silent after dropping this rumor didn't help the story either, Itay. You should've did something else than hide.
  3. Itay's cited AmericaBlog's post about Aaron's Gayest Instagram moments as a reason to 'out' Aaron. That's cute, using another petty and tacky post to justify your petty and tacky post. Two messy actions don't make a legit situation.
  4. Using stereotypes to justify your reasons to out someone is a quick way to lose respect from your peers.
  5. Saying things like 'He follows Tom Daley on Instagram makes him suspicious' is also petty. I guess for those who follow NOM, Brian Brown, or Tony Perkins... Poof, you're Bigots.
  6. The credibility of the folks involved. Real talk, the two main folks raving against this are not the most beloved people in the game. So, when you have a broke down rep, folks will second guess.
  7. No one really cared. In a lot of ways, no one outside of the bubble really cared if Aaron Schock is gay or not. Trying to make us care over some bogus claims was ridiculous. We're not that dumb.
  8. Also trying to make us feel bad for not believing the story is a sad form of guilt-tripping. And I will tell you, a lot of us are not here for that.
  9. When real journalists felt indifferent or provided other points of view, you knew Itay's claims wasn't going to stick.
  10. When Mike Rogers, King of Outing, sort of shrugged... it was already over.
The moral of this story is this, when you use a weak foundation as stepping stone, eventually, you and your cause fall hard.  Itay, chalk this up as a lesson learn.


  1. Here's the biggest fail: outside of his district and gay blogs who've wondered about his sexuality, no one even knows who the fuck Schock is. Nor do they care.

  2. While Mike Rogers sort of shrugged, he also said, and I'll paraphrase, "Anyone with half a brain knows Schock is gay."
    That's kind of outing someone with no proof as well.
    This whole story was a mess, and shows how shoddy supposed "journalism" has become.
