Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Queer Nation protests against Johnny Weir. Claims NBC has a "Disinformation Campaign" going on


So last night, Queer Nation protest Johnny Weir because he will be a NBC correspondent at the Sochi Winter Games.

This is their statement:
“In advance of its broadcast of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Russia, NBC has embarked on a disinformation campaign to minimize the plight of LGBT Russians in order to justify its involvement in the Games,” said Duncan Osborne, a member of Queer Nation. 
“NBC has had the openly gay Johnny Weir, a former figure skater, and Thomas Roberts, the openly gay MSNBC anchor, make public comments that suggest that Russia’s anti-gay laws are not harming LGBT Russians,” Osborne continued. “But those laws have led to the arrest and imprisonment of LGBT Russians, and have resulted in de facto state-sanctioned beatings, torture, rape, and murder of Russian lesbians and gay men. NBC should stop deceiving the public and tell the truth.”
Tell the truth? How do you know NBC is masking the story? Wouldn't they want to cover any anti-gay news as it happens? And what secret info do you have that supports this NBC "disinformation campaign"?

Seriously, what does this accomplish? What minds are you changing, QN? Johnny is still going Russia and the games are still happening. I'm truly struggling with your purpose and at this point, your existence.

You all are acting like Kardashians, trying to stay in front of the cameras. Yes, we know about the foolishness in Russia, we know. However, I don't see what you are doing make things better. How about this, why not go to Russia. Since you live to protest the air, go there and rally make a difference. Because over here, you are just wasting our time.

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