Thursday, December 5, 2013

NY Times: Poor Black and Hispanic Men Are the Face of H.I.V.

I stumbled on this article today. It addresses the issues facing Black and Latino men, and HIV infections.

Here's one of the key parts of the article for me:
Nationally, 25 percent of new infections are in black and Hispanic men, and in New York City it is 45 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the city’s health department.

Nationally, when only men under 25 infected through gay sex are counted, 80 percent are black or Hispanic — even though they engage in less high-risk behavior than their white peers.

The prospects for change look grim. Critics say little is being done to save this group, and none of it with any great urgency.

“There wasn’t even an ad campaign aimed at young black men until last year — what’s that about?” said Krishna Stone, a spokeswoman for GMHC, which was founded in the 1980s as the Gay Men’s Health Crisis.

Phill Wilson, president of the Black AIDS Institute in Los Angeles, said there were “no models out there right now for reaching these men.”

Federal and state health officials agreed that it had taken years to shift prevention messages away from targets chosen 30 years ago: men who frequent gay bars, many of whom are white and middle-class, and heterosexual teenagers, who are at relatively low risk. Funding for health agencies has been flat, and there has been little political pressure to focus on young gay blacks and Hispanics.

Please check out the article here. I found it to be on point, but disheartening. My brothers are dying and we haven't figured out a way to stop this.


  1. Sadly this is true, and the numbers are quite high in the South.

  2. When I was coming up Latins were Black. Why do don't give us the results on whitey?
