Monday, December 9, 2013

New York Times Study: Many Gay Men are Closeted and Married to Women

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz conducted a study, from dating and porn sites, to find out the number of gay men in this country. However, this study revealed some interesting and scary info.

Queerty listed the key findings:

* At least 5 percent of American men are “predominantly attracted” to men.

* Millions of gay men are still in the closet to some degree; one-tenth of gay men say they haven’t come out to most of the important people in their lives.

* Gay men are half as likely as straight men to be open about their sexuality on social networks.

* More than one quarter of gay men hide their sexuality from anonymous surveys; about 3.6 percent of American men tell anonymous surveys they are attracted to men.

* While some gays move out of less tolerant states, it’s not as many as you’d think. The openly gay population of those states would only be about 0.1 percent higher if they stayed.

* In all states, about 5 percent of porn searches are for gay porn, suggesting that there are just as many gays in less tolerant states as anywhere else.

* For every 20 percentage points of support for marriage equality, about one-and-a-half times as many men from that state will identify openly as gay on Facebook.

* A “large number” of gay men are married to women. Google searches suggest wives suspect their husbands of being gay. Like, a lot. Especially in the super Bible states.

This is a little sad to read because we still have a long way to go. I know these are based from apps and sites, but still, it's very telling about our community.

Very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Thus the term " Hiding behind a woman's dress"
