Friday, December 6, 2013

My opinion on dating someone 20 years younger than me

There is a lot of talk about Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black age difference.

There are pros and cons to this, we can't deny that.

Still, it's their business. Someone asked me if I would date a 19 year-old guy and quickly said NO. Why? Well, I work with college kids. I couldn't imagine dating any of them... Any of them. For one, they're still growing and learning, I couldn't see myself being romantically involved with them during that time.

Hell, I remember being 19. I was a hot mess.

Plus, I want a man. Someone who's been through some things, you know? I need to feel that we're equals. I don't think a guy under the age of 25, could give me that. Maybe for someone else, but not for me.

However, it works for some, go for it.


  1. I think a lot of people try to see themselves dating someone twenty years younger and they wouldn't do it, so they say Lance shouldn't be dating Tom.

    I, myself, don't think I could date someone that much younger than me, but, like you said, if both parties are fine with it, then why should anyone judge?

    You don't get a lot of shots at happiness in life, so take 'em when you can.

  2. My turn. I can't see myself dating a 20 year old or now even a 30 year old but wouldn't rule it out. When I look back, I could see myself dating up 20 years and came close once or twice.

    Someone like Tom is a bit of an exception. He is not an ordinary or typical 20 year old. World class athletes have qualities and experiences that can make them more than other 20 year olds in many ways but also less in some other ways.

    My first thought was, and this may be unfair to DLB, DLB's video and if he was actually a safe or good enough person for Tom.

  3. There are 8 years different between myself and Keyron. When we met he was 20 and I was 28.

    That 8 years was sort of interesting. A lot of common experience of course but different in areas of work and schooling.

  4. 20 years is a huge difference. I don't make it a habit to pick up trophy wives or dudes, so I have no experience at it.
