Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking back at 2013

Well, this year is coming to a close. In 2013, I said this year's theme was Anything Can Happen and it did.

My partner and I ended our relationship, causing me question my actions and choices I made when it came to romance.

My job performance enhanced (a good thing) under new leadership, but I realized it was time to say good-bye. So, I decided 2013-2014 would be my final year in my role.

My blogging and Activism rewarded me well this year. I was invited to the LGBT Media Journalists Convening, Netroots Connect, and a speaker at the AFER DOMA event in Los Angeles. I also wrote for a couple of online magazines.

Dating has been interesting. Most guys are huge messes, but hopefully, the right one will come along.

I did more scriptwriting and re-applied to school.

My Graphic Novel is coming along and I can't want to get it done!!!!

I also got a new car this year too.

Made a decision to cut my hair, I thought it was time.

Bent-Con was a success. We are really growing.

Did a lot of self reflection, it's been helpful to understand just who the f*ck I am. More to come on that in 2014.

In all, it was a tough year, but I'm stronger for it. Hoping for more.


  1. Self reflection and learning who the f*ck you are is incredibly important and incredibly scary. Don't forget that you have huge support out here in the blogosphere whenever it all seems overwhelming.

  2. 2013 has been rough for me but Bent-Con was great and here's to great things in 2014!

  3. Congrats on making it through stronger and in one piece!

  4. What a year! Trusting 2014 will be better. Thanks for all you do.

  5. VIC, you look Awesome, thanks for being a voice.

  6. Have a great 2014 - you did well in 2013.

    You're a wonderful man and an informed voice.

    keep it up.
