Monday, December 16, 2013

7 Things Queer Nation NY could do to be More Effective

Here's the thing, I'm struggle with Queer Nation.

While I applaud their resiliency and determination, their tactics and strategic planning needs some help. I have written a few posts about their protesting style and I stand behind my views 110%, but in all my rants, I haven't tried to give any solutions.

I think it was Damian who asked me to provide some tips or ideas. After thinking about it, I realize that I could post some ways they could make their messaging or tactics more effective. So, I'm going to post a few things I think Queer Nation could do to strength their message.

  1. Less is more: These multiple protests are not getting it. I know folks claims these protests the deal, but seriously, what are they accomplishing? They get a few minutes on non-gay blogs and news stations, but that's about it. What does these protests do for Russia and their Anti-gay law? Not much. Try to find a specific place and time to do a protest that hits home. Perhaps an event that no one would expect QN to be. Something that will completely catch folks' attention and minds.
  2. Gain strong Allies (Powerful Friends): Truth be told, friends in big places could be useful. QN should try to get politicians, celebs, folks with credibility to help them move forward and to be taken seriously.
  3. Check your facts, stick to the truth: When I read their press releases, I'm usually shaking my head. One in particular said that NBC is purposefully pushing a misinformation campaign. Okay, prove it, beyond the 'they are not covering the anti-gay law story' (Which they have, btw). Just saying something with no tangible proof, hurts credibility. Folks will see you as a joke with these outrageous claims.  Find documents, emails... something that will convince folks outside of the bubble to stop, look, and listen.
  4. Pick your Battles: These public battles with Elton John and Johnny Weir are foolish and distractions from the main issues at hand. These battles can be harmful and draining to resources and your people power. Plus, these celebs have fans that will tear you apart if you're not prepared to handle them.  Keep your eyes on the prize and not on the runner-up gifts.
  5. Know your team: QN has some folks who shouldn't be speaking for them. Going on crazy rants, a bunch of misspellings on Twitter, and attacking folks who question their tactics. There should be a president or a main person, that keeps a lot of that mess at bay. The last thing y'all need is a bunch freaks leading the asylum. 
  6. Have a plan: In the movie, Shaun Of The Dead, Shaun's girlfriend asked (multiple times) "What's the plan?". I feel like her, "What is the plan?" Yes, you are good for a great protest moment, but where do you do from there? Many folks are confused with your strategies. I think if you provided a strategic plan, maybe more of us would get on board. 
  7. Stop with the boycotts, they don't work, that's the truth. That whole Vodka gag is dead. Time to do something that last longer than a few weeks. 
This isn't a mean post, I actually want them to get better. This list may not be helpful to them, but I thought I would provide some solutions to some of the issues I see.

1 comment:

  1. What I've found about protest is it's mainly cathartic for the participants. It's an energizing event nothing more.
