Tuesday, December 31, 2013

5 Characters The Rock could be in the Next DC Comics Film

The Rock just announced that he will be teaming up with DC Comics for a feature film. Now, the question is, which character will he play?

I have some ideas after the jump


John Stewart Green Lantern


  1. I DEF like him as Lobo and/or Darkseid.
    I dunno if he has it in him to really play the hate that Sinestro has...
    I think Shazam should have that wide-eyed innocent look about him... someone who is muscle-bound, but not really sure HOW or WHY he is. Rock is so comfortable in his own skin, that Billy would lose that if he played him. It would seem wrong.

  2. I think he's got the perfect personality to be Green Lantern. He could be Darkseid, too.

  3. Wow, he's always been associated as Black Adam, so i never though of him as Capt Marvel (Shazam). But i would love to see him in red tights! In fact, I think he'd do well as any of these characters. His Hawkman would be so sexy, OMG!
