Saturday, December 28, 2013

10 Tips for Bloggers

I've been doing this for a while and I think I got the knack on being a blogger. It's tough, there are so many of us, saying the same thing or posting similar things from the popular blogs.

While it can be daunting, it can be done and done well. So, I wanted to share some pieces of wisdom that has helped me over the years. Maybe they could help someone out there.

  1. Stay current and ahead with info. If you are posting current events, make sure they are current.
  2.  Find the best news blogs out there and stick with them. See if their style and subject matter match your own. 
  3. Make sure your info is correct. We all stumble with this, but if possible, make sure your sources are 99.9% to 100% right all the time. 
  4. And speaking of sources, always link them. Unless you're right there when the news happening, always provide a link to a source.
  5. Never pander, beg, or suck up to bigger named bloggers. It's foolish and sad. You can be a fan of other bloggers, but don't beg them to follow you or post your work. If you are good, your work will speak for itself.
  6. Mix it up, talk about different things. Surprise your readers.
  7. Challenge your readers to think differently. Sometimes a lot of bloggers will say the same thing or support the same point of view. That's fine, I just think it's healthy to challenge the popular view point. It's good to see things from different angles, and you know how bloggers can get stuck in the bubble. So, flip the script.
  8. Don't waste your blog bitching and moaning. We all have opinions and passion points, but if you spend your entire blog talking about how you were wronged, or betrayed... Folks won't care as much. Some folks do this way too much. In fact, it is a given (From these particular bloggers) that out of 8 posts, 6 of them are all about being wronged. Get over it and get over yourself... Maybe find a therapist too.
  9. Always remember why you are doing this. If you're trying to be famous or if you're trying to keep folks aware of the injustices in the world, always keep your eyes of the prize and go for it.
  10. Read other blogs and be supportive. I wouldn't be here if I haven't met some of you. So, make connections and make friends.


  1. Helpful tips!.. and Happy pending new year

  2. Good list. I like it, especially 5,6,7, & 8.

  3. Nicely done.

    But I will pander to other bloggers.

    I'm needy.

    And wanna hang with the cool kids.

    And I'm needy.


  4. Good job, V!

    You've been doing 2 years longer than I have but I wholeheartedly agree. If more bloggers whom have aim to be heard would realized is how you make a blog successful then their voices would be heard.
