Wednesday, November 20, 2013

One Million Moms vs Kmart

I knew it!

One Million Moms are pissed about the Kmart Jingle Balls ad. They quickly took to their website and penned a stupid letter.

Here's a piece of it:
The title of the current ad is "Show Your Joe," and Kmart includes sexual content during a Christmas hand bell choir performance. The commercial focuses on several men wearing Joe Boxer underwear thrusting in a sexualized way to the tune of Jingle Bells. They start gyrating and shaking themselves instead of the hand bells, intending to make their "bells" ring in song - which is highly inappropriate. 
The commercial ends: "Shop Your Way, Joe Boxer, Kmart. Get In Get More Christmas." 
Normally, we do not provide a link since One Million Moms does not want to contribute to this filth being spread around even more, but we made an exception this time to show how ridiculous and disgusting this ad really is. The link to the commercial is provided here for reference only so you will have the information you need to voice your concern. If you would rather not watch the video clip, you may take our word on it, knowing this is not the first or second time Kmart has aired offensive commercials.
Ladies, get over it and enjoy the cute guys jingling.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that they get their panties in a bunch over watching a bunch of sexy guys gyrate a little.

    I guess they have nothing better to do.
