Friday, November 22, 2013

New Book: Legendary: Inside the House Ballroom Scene

The new book, Legendary: Inside the House Ballroom Scene captures pictures from the NY ball scene. For over 30 years, the LGBT communities of color have been immersed in the power and fierceness of the Houses and "children" of the ball.

This book highlights the events and people who keeps the fire burning.

Here's a description from the book's developer, Gerard H. Gaskin:
“The balls are a celebration of black and Latino urban gay life. They were born in Harlem out of a need for black and Latino gays to have a safe space to express themselves. Balls are constructed like beauty and talent pageants. The participants work to redefine and critique gender and sexual identity through an extravagant fashion masquerade. Women and men become fluid, interchangeable points of departure and reference, disrupting the notion of a fixed and rigid gender and sexual self. My images try to show a more personal and intimate beauty, pride, dignity, courage, and grace that have been painfully challenged by mainstream society. All of this happens at night in small halls in cities all over the country. These photographs, taken in New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, and Washington, D.C., show us different views of these spaces as they are reflected in the eyes of house and ball members who perform what they wish these cities could be.”
For more info, go here 

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