Monday, November 4, 2013

John Boehner Opposes ENDA

John Boehner is a bastard!

Earlier today, this fool came out and opposed ENDA.

His spokesman said this:
"The Speaker believes this legislation will increase frivolous litigation and cost American jobs, especially small business jobs."
You know what else cost jobs, Bone-Head, a government shutdown. But that didn't stop you from keeping that foolishness going. Boehner's non-support will be a hard slam for ENDA supporters. If he's against it, it may not see the light of day in the House.

But on a good note, Sen. Dean Heller came out in support of ENDA, making him the 60th member of Congress to support it.


  1. I'm not surprised; he's a moron.

  2. We should make spray-on tans illegal. That will show him.

  3. How did this mentally ill sob get elected, he cries too much, had it been a woman who cries like he do she would be gone.
