Tuesday, November 5, 2013

James Franco on his 'Fascination with Gay Characters'

In The Daily Beast, James talks about his love for gay characters and how he's happy telling diverse stories.

When asked about his 'fascination', James said:
It’s not like it’s my mission to tell the stories of as many gay men as possible, although in some cases, I think it is the point. In Milk, the point is to show one of the great fighters for equal rights for the gay community, so I was happy to do that. With characters like Allen Ginsberg [in Howl], my love for him started with his work when I was a teenager. So his sexuality is secondary to me. It’s an important aspect of who he was and his character, but it wasn’t like, “Yes, I want to play another gay role,” it was more, “Yes, I’d love to play another one of my heroes.”
Oh James, he's so cool, Brewster.

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