Thursday, November 7, 2013

Interesting Quote: Maggie Gallagher on Ken Cuccinelli

They said he was “unelectable.” The RNC put only $3 million into this race. Ken was outspent by a margin of something between 4:1 and 10:1, if you believe the Associated Press.

The Democrats poured everything into trying to lie to voters and portray Cuccinelli as an extremist — and they barely pulled this one out.

Would another $3 million have swung 50,000 votes? The Republicans, starting with Bill Bolling, who undercut Cuccinelli as unelectable have egg all over their faces.

This was a winnable election. How did we give this away to Terry McAuliffe? Some serious soul-searching should be taking place among the anti-tea-party faction.



  1. "The fox couldn't get the grapes so he called them sour.". That just came to mind.

  2. cucinelli lost cause he is an ASSHAT, Maggie! boy, are YOU stupid!
