Tuesday, November 5, 2013

In Texas: Gay Teen was Suspended for Ripping out Bible Pages

Something interesting happened at Birdville Independent School District in Texas.

Gay teen Isaiah Smith was tired of his classmates telling him that he'll go to Hell and all that backwards jazz. So, one day, he brought his Bible to school and tore out the pages from Leviticus.

Well, students told on him and he was sent to the assistant principal's office. Shortly, after that, he was suspended for three days. Once the American Humanist Association heard about this, they sent a complaint to Birdville Independent School District.

Read their letter here

I'm proud of Isaiah for standing up for himself. I wished he had some classmate support him during this mess.

Keep your head up, Isaiah.


  1. He's in the suburbs of Fort Worth. No wonder he didn't get any support from his classmates.

  2. The AHA should help this kid the the pants off the school district!

  3. The AHA should help this kid SUE the the pants off the school district!
