Thursday, November 21, 2013

Harry Reid invokes the Nuclear Option

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has taken off his earrings, folks. After the multiple filibuster foolishness from the GOP, Harry went "Nuclear"! He moved for Senate to vote on passing most executive and judicial nominees by a simple majority vote.

And they did, 52 to 48. So now, they need 51 votes. You know the GOP is pissed, but that's what they get for abusing the system. Funny, they always talk about the poor abusing system... Anywho, the rules are in place.

Here's his speech before the vote

1 comment:

  1. Your friends in Washington have certainly changed tune on this one. Back in 2005 when the Republicans were only considering doing the same thing your President then Senator Obama said this: "That doesn't serve anyone's best interest and it certainly isn't what the Patriots who founded this democracy had in mind".

    And Harry Reid the star of your little video said this: "For people to suggest that you can break the rules to change the rules is un-American".

    But your Vice President Joe Biden said it best: "This nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power".

    The sheer volume of hypocrisy boggles the mind but it's not at all surprising. This is just S.O.P. for Team Obama. The Democrats have forgotten that Karma is a bitch and what goes around comes around.
