Sunday, November 3, 2013

British Authorities accuse Glenn Greenwald's Partner of Terrorism

This is interesting.

Glenn Greenwald's man David Miranda is considered a Terrorist by the British authorities. When he was caught carrying Snowden documents, the British PoPo quickly contained him and questioned his ass for over 9 hours.

They kept all of his files and sent him on his way. David has filed a suit against the British government, but he better have a seat because if he's considered a terrorist, he needs to keep his mouth shut.

Now, you may be wondering, 'Why David was accused of terrorism?' Well, the British Intelligence thinks he was involved in espionage activity, when had stolen documents in his computer. Plus, they believe that he was carrying stuff that could people's lives.

David will be in a hearing next week and possibly more after that.

This story is only going to get better. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Someone pass the popcorn. It just got real.
