Wednesday, November 13, 2013

10 Reasons why Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. should Kill Agents Simmons and Fitz

The two geeky nerds of the team are BORING! They are smart and British, but I'm struggling to like them in the series. So, I think it's time they meet Hela and here's why.

  1. I hate Simmons' voice.
  2. They are not interesting to watch, they should be behind the scenes... Or dead.
  3. Simmons could do something that would destroy the Hub.
  4. The team depends on them too much. Their deaths could make them work harder.
  5. Fitz's death could make Ward a bit more human.
  6. Simmons' fashion sense is too distracting.
  7.  We could get some familiar faces to take their place... Or at least some interesting ones.
  8. Not sure they are essential to the team.
  9. Their deaths could remix the team's priorities in a good way.
  10. Skye may grow into a better character if they are dead.
A team shake up could be good for the series. I think Simmons and Fitz could more dead, than alive.


  1. Not being a comic reader and only having seen the movies I was expecting the "agents" to at least have one superhero. The also need to get rid of that plane - it's cool BUT I think in half of the shows the plane has almost been blown up.

    BTW: I just love Greg Clark!

  2. opps...Clark Gregg!

  3. I don't care for this show.

  4. One of the reasons why I stopped watching this show were Fitz and Simmons. Annoying as hell.

  5. The whole show is a mess but yes, they are the worst parts of it. I know Whedon has a boner for brits but TWO snarky, sarcastic british geeks is pure masturbation on his part.

  6. While I agree both seem pointless at times, I cannot stand Grant Ward or the actor who plays him.

    Kill him of before anyone else, says I!!!!

    He sucks the energy out of every scene he's in. Maybe if he was pretty or a better actor, I could like him, but right now I think he's the weakest link and not Fitz or Simmons.

  7. Honestly the whole fucking team could be killed and rebooted in the next ep to make it better. Cuslon included. I'm not attached to any of them at all. Skye should've been locked in jail for being a terrorist and a bad spy forever ago. The "hot guy" Captain Cardboard is so...bland. Culson's PTSD is inconsistent within the show and he himself is too Giles-y.
    The two brits are too Xander and Willowish. Ning-Ma needs more lines and less bitchface
