Sunday, October 6, 2013

WB CEO says it's time to Bring Wonder Woman to TV or the Screen

WB CEO Kevin Tsujihara said at an entertainment law conference that it's time to get to work on a Wonder Woman project.

He said:
“Huge plans for a number of other DC properties on TV. We need to get Wonder Woman on the big screen or TV.”
Yes, Kevin, you do.

She's one of the Big 3, she deserves a movie. No more excuses, folks, no mo!

I mean, we have a sequel to Thor. Thor is from Norse mythology. Who actually knows about Norse gods? Well, besides the geeks, but you know where I'm coming from.

Over the years, we have seen a lot of Greek mythology in TV and film. Think about it: The original Clash of the Titans, Xanadu, Hercules the Disney movie, Hercules the series, Young Hercules, Xena, God of War video games, the messy remake of Clash (and a sequel), and TWO Hercules films coming out soon! Trust... Folks know about Greek mythology, so it won't be a foreign subject.

Once and for all, this needs to be a priority, WB. Time to jump to it! Stop the BS and bring Diana to the screen!


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