Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Student claims Black Fraternity rejected him because he's Gay

Former Obama intern says he denied membership into Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity because he is gay.

Brian Stewart claims the chapter at Morgan State University rejected him because of his sexual orientation. He said that he heard some rumors and later found messages about him from the fraternity.

According to Brian, the messages were homophobic and full of derogatory language. One message says in part, "give him the perception of a fair and equal opportunity." Earlier this month, Brian received his rejection letter and quickly after that, filed a claim against the university and the fraternity. Morgan State University start their investigation soon after receiving the claim.

No word from Kappa Alpha Psi Inc.



  1. Fuck em all to hell!! I know just how he feels. Only at night do some hold you tight.

  2. Not to stereotype fraternities, but is anyone really shocked that the frat boys rejected the gay guy? Really?
