Monday, October 7, 2013

President Obama tells Bone-Head: Let Congress Vote on a CR

Obama ain't playing.

Today, the President basically tells Boehner to put his money where his mouth is.

His direct words:
"If Republicans and Speaker Boehner are saying there are not enough votes, then they should prove it," he said in a speech at FEMA headquarters. "Let the bill go to the floor and lets see what happens. Just vote. Let every member of Congress vote their conscience and they can determine whether or not they want to shut the government down."

"My suspicion is, my very strong suspicion is, there are enough votes there, and the reason Speaker Boehner hasn't called a vote on it is because he doesn't apparently want to see the government shutdown end at the moment unless he's able to extract concessions that don't have anything to do with budget,"
If Boehner got the balls, I would love to see this.


1 comment:

  1. Now THAT is the POTUS I voted for twice. :-)
