Friday, October 4, 2013

PA Rep. Brian Sims slams Gov. Tom Corbett over his Anti-Gay Remark

Brian wasn't happy about PA's Gov. Tom Corbett's statement about gays being linked to incest. He took to Facebook to voice his response:
All day long I've been hearing about the Governor's comments earlier this morning comparing marriage equality to incest. In truth, I'm not giving him or his comments all that much thought and I encourage you to do the same.

No one, not even his own party, would argue that he’s an intellectual heavyweight or even a particularly thoughtful person. The larger issue is that despite the fact that the majority of Pennsylvanians disagree with him, he continues to be the heaviest hitter in Pennsylvania’s anti-equality crusade.

Our job isn’t just to be frustrated with the homophobia coming from the Governor’s Mansion, it’s to do everything we can to ensure that his chapter in Pennsylvania’s political history is as sad and short as his record on schools, economic development and civil rights.

Tom Corbett has been a disaster for Pennsylvania for so many reasons and I hope this fuels your resolve to vote him out of office.
Get him, Brian.

1 comment:

  1. Plain-and-simple...there may be a very good reason for a state to prevent incestuous marriages, namely the risk to offspring from such unions. But there is no similar compelling state interest to prevent same-sex marriage. There is no risk to the state or to the public. Therefore, if there is no justifiable reason to prevent gay marriage, it should be allowed.
