Friday, October 18, 2013

Gays can get Married in New Jersey, Brian Brown is Upset

NJ Supreme Court has denied the halt on gay marriage and now, New Jerseyans can get married as early as 12:01 am on Monday. However, Brian 'Buster' Brown is all upset and crying.

Here is his statement:
It is extremely disappointing that the New Jersey Supreme Court has allowed the ruling of an activist judge to stand pending its appeal through the court system. The definition of marriage is something that should be decided by the people of New Jersey themselves, not by any judge or court. New Jerseyans should have the right to vote on this issue just as voters in nearly three dozen other states have done. In addition, the decision to allow same-sex ‘marriage’ to proceed even while the law is being tested in court is unfair both to the voters of the state and to same-sex couples themselves. If the state Supreme Court were to uphold marriage as they should do, then the validity of the ‘marriages’ that will be performed starting next week will be called into question. Further, the decision opens the door to a possible federal court ruling similar to what occurred in California in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal which held that once a state grants same-sex ‘marriage’ rights it can never take them away. All in all, today’s ruling is another sad chapter in watching our courts usurp the rights of voters to determine issues like this for themselves.
Poor Brian.


1 comment:

  1. The rights of others should not be determined by a vote you idiot!

    Note to Gov. Christie: Take that and shove it!
