Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Zac Efron just completed Rehab

Wow, this was interesting to hear.

Zac Efron was really going through some stuff. Stuff, as in drugs and alcohol. Word came out that Zac just completed rehab. Who knew, right? I never thought I would hear this.

Anywho, Zac had a bad run in with cocaine and dabbled in the drug, Molly. However, He's better now. His five month treatment has him clean and sober. At this time, he is focusing on working.

Again, I'm so surprised about this. Zac was very lucky that none of this drama got out to the media before rehab. Maybe that Disney magic is real, because he could've crashed and burned.

Good luck, Zac.


1 comment:

  1. Isn't it interesting that some folks--especially celebrities--can go through this without it getting into the news, and others, every little thing becomes a story.
