Monday, September 23, 2013

Which Marvel Woman could carry a Solo Film?

There's a lot of talk of a female superhero film coming from Marvel. Many believe that it's Ms Marvel/Captain Marvel, however, what if it was another Super Lady? And who could she be?

I have some ideas, after the jump.


Jessica Jones

Lady Sif

Black Widow

Bonus idea

This GN brought Marvel's best together


  1. Good question. Well, the honest response, is any of them. If there is good enough writing following by casting & execution... But real talk, the way studios haphazardly put movies together, and compromise on everything... Which female character could survive a diluted/ rewritten concept? Hmm, i think Rogue, Jessica Capt Marvel, Storm, Black Widow. And lastly, a Dazzler movie starring someone like Lady Gaga.

  2. Personally I would love to see a She-Hulk film.

    She was a HUGE fave of mine growing up
