Friday, September 20, 2013

Guess who voted to Defund Obamacare?

The House GOP are on a roll with this foolishness. For some reason, they truly believe they can stop Obamacare, really, they have this fantastic idea that they alone can stop Obamacare.

And how they plan to do it? By passing this ridic bill, hoping to force the Dems to defund Obamacare or the government shuts down.

The House voted 230 to 189 to pass this mess and this makes the 400000 time they have tried this? FAIL across the board. Pure fail.


  1. I wish someone other than just me calls the House GOP what they really are: economic terrorists.

  2. Foolishness is right, nothing passes unless the president sign it. I just the racist GOP and TEA.

  3. are you worried about a gov't shutdown?

  4. not really, I feel like Obama has something up his sleeve
